Yufei Ding (丁雨霏)
"Try to learn something about everything and everything about something."
—Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 - 1895)
— Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC)
I am an assistant professor at the CS department of UC Santa Barbara, holding a joint appointment with the ECE department. I received my PhD degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State University in Nov 2017, advised by Prof. Xipeng Shen. Before that, I got my M.S. and B.S. degrees in Physics at the College of William and Mary and the University of Science and Technology of China, respectively. My research interests lie in the broad fields of domain-specific language design, architecture and compiler optimization, and hardware acceleration. I am the director the PICASSO research group, and I also co-direct the SEAL lab at UCSB with Dr. Yuan Xie.
Here are my CV and my Google Scholar Page.
I am looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students and postdocs, especially in the direction of quantum computing. Please send me an email with your CV if interested.
- Review Editor in Frontiers in High Performance Computing - Cloud Computing
- Program Committee @ OSDI 2022, MICRO 2022, HPCA 2022, DAC 2022.
- Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing.
- Yuke Wang is awarded the NVIDIA Graduate Fellowship, 2022.
- SAMSUNG Research Gift Fund, 2022.
- Review Panel @NSF 2021, DOE 2021, DOE 2022.
- Cisco Research Grant, 2021.
- NSF Funding for "FET: NSF Workshop on Software-Hardware Co-design for Quantum Computing", 2021.
- Collaborative NSF funding with Tevfik Bulton for “FMitF: Track I: Scalable and Quantitative Verification for Neural Network Analysis and Design”, 2021.
- VMware Early Career Faculty Grant, 2021.
- NSF CAREER Award for "A Top-down Compilation Infrastructure for Optimization and Debugging in the NISQ era", 2020.
- Distingushed Paper Award @ OOPSLA 2020.
- Awards committee for the Grande Finals of the ACM Student Research Competition, 2021.
- Gushu Li received the Quantum Information Science and Engineering Network (QISE-NET) Triplet Fellow Award, 2021
- Program Committee @ ASPLOS 2021, MICRO 2021, CGO 2021, SC 2021, IPDPS 2021, AAAI 2021, ICLR 2021, ISC 2021, APSys 2021.
- Awards committee for IEEE Computer Society TCHPC Early Career Researchers Award, 2020.
- IEEE Computer Society TCHPC Early Career Researchers Award for Excellence in High Performance Computing, 2019.
- Collaborative NSF funding for “CC* Compute: A high-performance GPU cluster for accelerated research”, 2019.
- Alibaba Gift Money for "Domain Specific Accelerator Research", 2019, 2020.
- Web Chair @ PPoPP 2020.
- Program Committee @ PPoPP 2020, PLDI 2020, ASPLOS 2020, MICRO 2020.
2018 or earlier
- Program Committee @ ISMM 2019, LCPC 2019.
- Reviewer @ ICML 2019, UAI 2019, NeurIPS 2019.
- NVIDIA GPU Grant, Xilinx FPGA Grant, Intel FPGA Grant.
- Co-chair @ ACM SRC, ASPLOS 2019.
- External Review Committee @ PLDI 2019.
- Program Committee @ ASPLOS 2019, CGO 2019, IPDPS 2019, OOPSLA 2019, NPC 2019.
- Program Committee @ USENIX ATC 2018.
- Co-chair @ ACM SRC and Posters, ASPLOS 2018.
- PNCSU Computer Science Outstanding Dissertation Award, 2018, 2018.
Ph.D. : Gushu Li*, Yuke Wang, Jilan Lin*, Guyue Huang*, Anbang Wu, Zheng Wang, Hezi Zhang, Zhaohui Yang, Zhengyang Wang*, Keyi Yin, Hao Li*. (* co-advised with Dr. Yuan Xie)
Alumni: Boyuan Feng, Liu Liu*, Andrew Huang (M.S., 2019 @Google), Shu Yang (M.S., 2022, @Google).
CS160 Translation of Programming Languages: 2022 Spring, 2021 Spring, 2019 Fall, 2019 Spring.
CS293S Advanced Compiler Technology: 2020 Fall, 2020 Winter, 2018 Fall.
CS165B Machine Learning: 2019 Winter.